Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Start spreadin' the news (a little)

Well, last night we told my mother-in-law and my parents. All were excited. With The Wife's Mom, we were talking about the new puppy and she made a comment about how they're like a child and we were thinking "Speaking of which..." Good fun. With my parents, we talked for a good 10 minutes (we talk each week at the same time) and then I asked when they were planning on coming down for a visit. They said October. I, thinking they meant next October, said "How about mid-June?" And they asked "Why mid-June," probably thinking of the heat. I said "Because [The Wife's] due date is early June," though I'm not sure how much they heard because I started choking up. They were really excited, mostly for my grandma who works part-time in an office with a bunch of 20-somethings and volunteers in her church office with a bunch of women younger than her. She doesn't need the money, she's just bored. But she sometimes feels left out because they have pictures of babies and ultrasounds and all that good stuff. She doesn't have any of those. I'm not sure if they did ultrasounds, or if they just didn't give out pictures. But now we'll have some. The Wife has an ultrasound on Monday and apparently they'll already be able to see a heartbeat and we're hoping we can get a printout to put in a card. "Grandma - We've always known you're a great grandmother. But now you're going to be a great-grandmother!" We'll tell the two couples closest to us, one of the couples is the one who just had a baby and they and the other couple have been our confidants through the infertility process. We'll also tell siblings, but then it's mum for about 2 to 2-1/2 more months.

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