Saturday, January 17, 2004

Carpool, anyone?

The Wife is excited by the news that a third member of our family means the carpool lane is wide open all the way to her job if The Child is Daycared for at her place of work or nearby.

Which begs a bigger question... shouldn't she be able to use the carpool lane now, or in the next few weeks? No, seriously, hear me out... in what I take to be good news, in the last few months we've heard more about crimes against a pregnant woman or her unborn child in some cases have resulted in criminal charges for the injury or death of the unborn child. Why? Because courts are considering the lifes to be "viable" -- that is, the child would have been able to live and grow outside of the mother at that stage. So, I think The Wife should be able to claim that she has a viable life in the car with her. She's just efficiently carrying it around without the need for a baby bjorn or a stroller.

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