Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Happy New Year

Things have been crazy...

We got one of those heart monitors, but we couldn't hear anything yet, so I put it on the cat instead and then convinced the cat to purr. The monitor is pretty cool. It'll be cooler when we can hear The Baby's heartbeat.

We now know 12 other couples who are pregnant, 11 of them somehow connected to our Sunday school class.

We've begun looking at cribs and strollers. Friends have begun giving and loaning us maternity and baby clothes. The Wife's Mother was in town for Christmas and we had a nice time together at Burlington Baby Depot looking at stuff. We haven't bought anything yet, just getting a general idea of prices and stuff. In addition to The Baby's New Ride, it looks like The Wife is getting a new ride too... the Elantra with its power-nothing just won't cut it. A recent trip with a Cat in a cat carrier on The Wife's lap and The Dog taking up the entire backseat made us realize that there won't be room for baby in this vehicle. Kids, don't buy a car when you're pregnant. You really don't need that additional monthly payemtn.

We've finally come up with a boy's name we're happy with. Neither of us were really thinking about boy's names that day, but I suggested one and The Wife signed off on it.

Apparently EVERYONE (no, really, every single parent on the entire planet) has told The Wife recently how she can expect to get no sleep once there's a baby. Thanks, we get it. We're prepared. Or at least I am. The Wife on the other hand is re-thinking moving the nursery to the other side of the house which oddly enough, came with soundproof tiles on the walls and ceiling.

We had the milestone blood test done before the holidays began and then had to wait until after the holidays for the results, but everything looks good. We'll hopefully find out the sex on Jan. 22. That is so far away.

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