Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Starving Babies

I don't normally put out pleas for other people's money, as I know everyone works hard and that most people give when they can to the needs that speak to them. But I read this article the other day on Yahoo! news, and it broke my heart. The story talks about women and children in the Sudan who are eating leaves to try to survive, because the region is having its worst food shortage in 7 years due to failed rains and a surge in cattle raiding. It describes a 4-year-old boy who collapsed out of hunger, laying naked on the ground, struggling to breathe. His mother hasn't been able to get him to even eat the leaves.

The U.N. World Food Programme is appealing for additional funds, as they've received $78 million out of $302 million needed to feed 3.2 million people in the regions that were hardest hit. If you'd like to give a little (or a lot) to help meet the need, you can donate online at this website:

You can choose to specifically donate to the Sudan, to WFP's greatest needs, or to other options.

Thanks for reading this. Herein ends the PSA.

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